Sprint 2 Retrospective

 In this sprint I focused my efforts on the front end, Specifically, checkinventoryfrontend. I wanted to experiment with nodemon at the start, and I had it installed on a separate branch on guestinfofrontend.


 I experimented with it, but ultimately one of my team members, Raquel, figured it out and gave us instructions on how to implement it. For the next sprint, I will add implementing nodemon to checkinventoryfrontend to my issues list. 


For the majority of the previous sprint I was grappling with updating checkinventoryfrontend to align with the current guestinfofrontend. At first I was struggling on how to deploy the front end on Gitpod, since the original shell scripts would not work in the development enviroment. It wasn't until the changes to guestinfofrontend to make it work in Gitpod that I started to make headway.

At first I thought that simply copying the files over to the bin folder would be a good enough start to fixing the issues with Gitpod. This was not the case however as this led to me having a bunch shell scripts that don't work, now with the added bonus of me not understanding what a single one of the new additions were meant to do or how to implement them. It was big mistake on my part since I thought I could easily parse out their purpose while I was implementing them.


 I was wrong however, and terribly confused as to how to proceed for a bit. I actually ended up asking for the advice of my father on the matter, on account of the fact that he does front end development for his job. After looking at my work he told me to start all over from a new fresh branch to learn how the original checkinventoryfrontend worked. He also brought up using the commit history of guestinfofrontend to see how it was changed and in what ways. Taking his advice, I began changing bit by bit the file structure of checkinventoryfrontend. First, I implemented all the changes made in the guestinfofrontend commit "refactor!: refactor the frontend to modern standard".


These changes include creating the server and frontend folders in src, separating the shell scripts into frontend and backend variants, and creating a backend folder in the testing folder to contain the docker compose file for the backend. Doing this gave me a better understanding of the way guestinfofrontend and how it worked. This gave me the insight to continue on and start implementing the recent changes from the commit “fix: get working with gitpod url”. 


After creating the frontend-dev-up shell script, I changed the gitpod and gitlab .yaml files to include npm install, among a slew of other minor changes to naming conventions and such, I finally got the shell scripts working and the front end running. Well, I say running, but the frontend is only giving an error currently which tells me that I fix something in either the App.vue or the package.json file. But that will have to wait for the next sprint, in which I will also be implementing nodemon. 

I think I really improved my understanding of the frontend, and my personal methodologies for implementing changes to code. In the future, I will take the time to truly understand each facet of the programs I work with, before committing to anything. I also think my team worked well together, and we completed our tasks quite efficiently. For the next sprint, maybe we could use some more open communication, but beyond that I think we do fine together.



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